Wiggin Case Study

Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

As a forward-thinking law firm, Wiggin LLP found a solution which provided point of need and proactive training support for people working remotely.

The Challenge

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the law firm needed to provide point of need and proactive training support for around 170 people while they were working remotely and when the returned back to the office.

Wiggin LLP approached iTrain for support with a point of need and proactive training solution that could support their employees.

The Strategy

iTrain created a chatbot cousin to iTrain ALI called HeyWiggi, which lives within Microsoft Teams. People can use HeyWiggi to find answers to common questions around iManage Work 10 and Teams using the built-in automated responses.

They could also talk to a live trainer by asking a ‘how do I?’ question related to the applications they use. The iTrain training team would then respond promptly to the questions providing that point of need support when required.

iTrain also sent out weekly hints and tips via the HeyWiggi chatbot to help increase efficiency and promote best practice.

The Results

The implementation of HeyWiggi and the support provided by iTrain was successful, employees at Wiggin LLP quickly adopted the easy to use platform. In the first month, HeyWiggi successfully answered over 40 questions.

To monitor user experience, employees were asked to rate HeyWiggi from 1 to 5, with 1 being not helpful through to 5 being really helpful. After the first month, HeyWiggi achieved an average feedback score of 4 out of 5 and received excellent feedback from Wiggin LLP.

Veena Kanda, Wiggin’s Head of Learning and Development commented: “We’re delighted with the feedback received from this innovative service. Our people required point of need support during lockdown, which Hey Wiggi provided, and now we’re finding Hey Wiggi is a great resource and communication tool, regardless of whether in the office or working remotely. We’re particularly pleased to see Hey Wiggi can now support pdfDocs and are eagerly anticipating the next developments.”

Alongside the recently launched pdfDocs Chatbot they will shortly will be sharing their Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint offerings to provide a rich support and assistance service to empower Wiggin’s people.

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