General Terms
The terms and conditions which apply to products and services offered by us.
Privacy Policy
Our policy on how what data we collect and how we protect and use your data.
Modern Day Slavery Policy
The policy we use to ensure iTrain do not use modern slavery or human trafficking victims.
Corporate Social Responsibility Statement
iTrain's aims to be a responsible employer towards our suppliers, customers, and staff.
End User Licence Agreement
Text provided as part of the agreed contract for the Chatbot Ali software.
Support Services Policy
Information pertaining to the support levels agreed for products and services offered by iTrain.
Public Expenses Policy
iTrain's policy on expenses provided to employees when working onsite for clients.
Information Security Policy
The policy applying to all iTrain staff members in relation to security of information systems and data.
Cookie Policy
Information on how our website and third-parties we are associated with may use cookies.
Website Usage Terms
See information on the terms which apply to users of our website and functionality it provides.