Public Expenses Policy
Version: 1.1
Last update: December 2023
Document classification: Public
iTrain will seek authorisation from the Client before incurring expenses, unless both parties agree that it is impractical to do so. iTrain will endeavour to secure the lowest rates in relation to expenses for the Client, having regard to the amount of notice given by the Client and the location of the venue. With that in mind, the following maximum rates are agreed by the Client. Receipts will be provided with each invoice.
However, the Client understands that it may be necessary, on occasion, to exceed these rates where the amount of notice given by them and/or their location does not allow iTrain to keep within these limits (especially in relation to trains and hotels). In such circumstances, iTrain will always seek authorisation from the Client before booking.
iTrain will choose the most cost-effective mode of transport and ticket, having regard to the time of day in which our staff member is required to travel.
Mileage will be charged at 45p per mile, together with parking charges. iTrain’s mileage rates are in line with HMRC guidelines.
Where an overnight stay is required, breakfast will be added at the hotel's standard breakfast rate. Where the hotel does not offer breakfast, a maximum daily expenses rate of £6 is payable for United Kingdom locations and £12 is payable for international locations. This is also applicable where the Trainer / Consultant is required to start their journey before 07:00.
When the Trainer / Consultant is at a Client site for a full day, there is daily expense rates of £8 for lunch for United Kingdom locations and £12 outside the United Kingdom, except where the Client provides lunch.
When the Trainer / Consultant is staying overnight or still travelling home after 19:00, there are daily expense rates of £30 for dinner (including one drink) within the United Kingdom and £50 for dinner (including one drink) outside the United Kingdom.
The room rates per night are provided below depending on location:
Hotel Location | Maximum Room Rate per Night |
London | £250 |
Outside of London (within UK) | £180 |
Outside of UK | £300 |