Bevan Brittan engaged iTrain to support them in their rollout of 3E and Mattersphere by providing training and floorwalking support. iTrain created a range of training materials, including quick reference guides, Articulate Storyline modules and recorded demonstrations.
The Challenge
Bevan Brittan engaged iTrain Legal, legal technology training specialists, to support them in their rollout of 3E and Mattersphere to 400 people across four offices in Bristol, Leeds, Birmingham and London.
The Strategy
The team from iTrain were tasked with creating eighteen different training materials, including quick reference guides, Articulate Storyline modules and recorded demos for the key tasks in both 3E and Mattersphere.
The 3E materials were focussed around performing conflict checks and where to locate financial information on the dashboards for Business Support Staff, Fee Earners and Managing Fee Earners.
The Mattersphere materials included opening new matters and working with new task flows. All the materials were then shared with the business prior to the training via the Bevan Brittan intranet and Learning Management System.
The Articulate Storyline modules were compulsory for people to complete prior to the training.
iTrain also delivered 3E and Mattersphere training in face-to-face classroom sessions in Leeds, Birmingham and London. The classroom sessions were broken down by role and the key tasks the learners needed to perform.
Floorwalking support was then provided by iTrain for a week in Birmingham and Leeds for Mattersphere and then a following week for 3E. The trainers were on site to provide refresher training and answer any questions people had about the new systems.
The Results
Feedback from key stakeholders and staff across the firm was extremely positive, and Bevan Brittan have since engaged iTrain to assist with other IT implementations and upgrades over the years.
Maria Smith, IT Training Manager at Bevan Brittan said: “Thank you very much for all your hard work on the rollout at Bevan Brittan. We have very much enjoyed having you on the team and I’d like to share some of the feedback we have had about you:
“I thought they did a great job.”
“They were brilliant, knowledgeable and if they didn’t know the answer, they went to find it. They were proactive and constantly on their feet checking with everyone even though they knew there were few questions from people.”
“I thought that they were very good, understanding and calm.”
"We look forward to working with iTrain Legal again in the future!”