Travers Smith Case Study

Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

Provide training and support during the rollout of a new practice management system to over 500 users.

The Challenge

To provide training support for the rollout of the client’s new practice management system, Aderant Time and Expert Billing, to over 500 users across their London offices.

The Strategy

iTrain created several training materials, including quick reference guides, eClips and a full eLearning course, covering the project from start to finish.

Training in face to face classroom training sessions was conducted in impactful 45-minute sessions which everyone in the firm was encouraged to attend.

The project was rounded off by auditorium-based billing training, consisting of 40 users per session.

iTrain also delivered floorwalking support to ensure the new PMS had a low impact on the day to day running’s at Travers Smith.

The Results

Feedback from key stakeholders and staff across the firm was extremely positive.

The training had a very successful 91% attendance rate.

As proof of the floorwalker’s success, the IT Helpdesk received very few extra calls in addition to their normal day to day queries.

Mark Lake, the Finance Systems Manager said: ‘Proud to have worked with these people, sad to see them go’. He also commented that iTrain were ‘a critical part of getting Aderant live.’

Further comments from Matt Chandler, Head of Central Finance also said: “We were delighted to partner with iTrain and utilise their expertise to support the successful implementation of our new Practice Management System.

“Right from the off the team at iTrain added value to our project, scoping and developing training materials and content, and working together with our internal team. This pragmatic, professional approach was a pleasure to work with and stood us in great stead for when we delivered classroom based training to over 400 users.

“iTrain’s work on our project culminated with their go live floorwalking support, when we were joined by the wider team to offer hands on user assistance for the first two weeks of our launch. This had a hugely positive impact on the user adoption and reception to the product, with a consistently calm, helpful and friendly approach that helped get colleagues started and feel at ease.

“We really couldn’t have asked for a better experience in working with iTrain and couldn’t have wished for a more pleasant, engaged and energetic team to work with. Thank you.”

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